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Monday, August 30, 2010

Bull Creek Family Picnic and Youth Rifle Tournament, The Videos!

Here's a 4 minute video from this past Saturday's picnic and a 3 minute video from the Youth Rifle Tournament on sunday. What a great weekend spent with good friends! A record turnout of 180 people at the picnic helped make it awesome (as well as picture perfect weather)!

Youth Rifle Tournament...

 Here's the picnic video...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Bull Creek Youth Rifle Tournament Coming August 29th

The 2nd annual Bull Creek Youth Rifle Tournament will be held from Noon untill 5PM on August 29th. Open to kids age 8 to 16, 3 brackets will award trophies to the first three finishers. The age brackets are 8-10, 11-13 and 14-16.

There will also be door prizes, food and refreshments all included in the $5.00 per entrant fee.

Last year about 30 kids participated in the first annual tournament and had a great time while learning range safety, sportsmanship and of course marksmanship.

The tournament is limited to .22 caliber. Some rifles will be available for you to use or you may bring your own, with or without a scope. The .22 ammunition will also be supplied by Bull Creek! If you have a son or daughter who would like to particpate and do not have an entry form please email bullcreekinfo@gmail.com and one can be sent to you.

Here is a short video from last years Tournament:

Entry Form below- click on the image, then right click on the new image and select "Print".  Fillout completely and mail to the address on the form.  SEND NO MONEY untill day of the event!

See you there!

Friday, August 13, 2010

2010 Bull Creek Family Picnic


This year's family picnic will be Saturday August 28th.  In recent years we've had over 100 people in attendance.  Horseshoes, volleyball, kids games and this year some additional surprises!  All this and great food and dozens of prizes!

Here's the sign-up form, just click on the image, then right click and choose "Print image":

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Women Setting Sights On Hunting

With the Women In the Outdoors banquet held at Bull Creek each year I thought this would be of interest to the membership...

Sunday, August 08, 2010
By John Hayes, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

While hunting license sales in Pennsylvania continue to drop, the fastest-growing segment of hunters in the state is women. That is according license-sale surveys conducted by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Recognizing the needs and interests of a growing outdoors user group, and with financial help from the Game Commission, the National Wild Turkey Federation has launched the Women in the Outdoors program and hired Jeff Souders of Harrisburg as its first full-time coordinator.

Pennsylvania is the only state with a NWTF Women in the Outdoors coordinator.

Souders will create and oversee new events for female hunters, help with Women in the Outdoors activities in other chapters and provide outreach to women interested in the outdoors. In 2009, NWTF chapters hosted 240 Women in the Outdoors events in the United States and Canada, organizing activities for women including archery, canoeing, self-defense training, camping and shooting in a stress-free, mostly noncompetitive environment. Instructors are provided to teach techniques and tactics.

"The NWTF is the leading conservation organization in North America and I'm excited to help fulfill our mission," said Souders, in a Game Commission news release. "Women in the Outdoors has been extremely successful in Pennsylvania and I look forward to helping women across the state enjoy outdoor activities."

Carl Roe, Game Commission executive director, said in a written statement that there's plenty of room for women in the outdoors.

"The Game Commission recognizes that there is a high interest level in the outdoors among women in the state, and we want to provide more opportunities for them to enjoy an outdoor lifestyle," he said. "Providing women in our state with a full-time Women in the Outdoors coordinator is satisfying a tremendous need. This is a great opportunity to recruit new outdoorswomen and, as a joint venture between the Game Commission and NWTF, everyone benefits."

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10220/1078228-140.stm