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Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Bull Creek Youth Rifle Tournament Coming August 29th

The 2nd annual Bull Creek Youth Rifle Tournament will be held from Noon untill 5PM on August 29th. Open to kids age 8 to 16, 3 brackets will award trophies to the first three finishers. The age brackets are 8-10, 11-13 and 14-16.

There will also be door prizes, food and refreshments all included in the $5.00 per entrant fee.

Last year about 30 kids participated in the first annual tournament and had a great time while learning range safety, sportsmanship and of course marksmanship.

The tournament is limited to .22 caliber. Some rifles will be available for you to use or you may bring your own, with or without a scope. The .22 ammunition will also be supplied by Bull Creek! If you have a son or daughter who would like to particpate and do not have an entry form please email bullcreekinfo@gmail.com and one can be sent to you.

Here is a short video from last years Tournament:

Entry Form below- click on the image, then right click on the new image and select "Print".  Fillout completely and mail to the address on the form.  SEND NO MONEY untill day of the event!

See you there!

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