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Bull Creek Member Pictures Of Success

Send us your pictures of success to post!!

Club Member Josh Hess 28” 
Lake Erie, Ohio Trophy Walleye

Club member Tim Cochran (top) and Board member 
Pete Denio limited out on Lake Erie walleye! 6-29-2024

Club member Melvin Peck goes 2 for 2 
spring gobbler at Bull Creek

Bull Creek member Jim Kopac striper

Club Member Sam Peck Doubles out
    8pt & Doe w/ crossbow extended Season

Club President Chris Yandura    
7pt         7mm.08 @200yds 
Last Saturday of PA Rifle Season

Jason Davidek 8 point - 
3 generations at deer camp 23 
(pictured from left Terry, Alister, & Jason Davidek)

Tim Cochran Jr. A first day wide 8 point 

Club Vice President John Zenewicz 7 point 

Terry Davidek - Board member Fall Success
                                            2023 Wyoming Bull Elk

Dale Kirkpatrick- 2023 Board Member 7 point 

                              Club member Josh Hess - Fall in Wyoming
                                             Mule Deer & Bull Elk


Past president/Board member 
Terry Davidek and grandson 
Jr member Alister Davidek. 
1st youth fishing. 

NEW member Coty Podgornik, 
deer was taken at the club 2022.

Jason Davidek, 2022

Club Board Member Jake Tutak
10 point Archery

Club member Artie Kirkpatrick Archery 9 point

Jason Davidek nabs a Giant Palomino Trout 

Dale Hess and Jim Kopac
Flashing Leather from the Kreighoff State Shooting Championships

Pictured: Craig Johnson, David Yednak 
(stepson of Pete Denio), Tom Cochran. 
20 Walleye day on Lake Erie out of Lampe Marina

New cleaning hut at Northeast Marina

Nice 'Eye!!

Huge Sheepshead caught off Lampe Marina

Member and boat owner Tim Cochran 

Allister Davidek and Pappy Terry Davidek. 
18” Brown trout First day of Youth Mentored Fishing Season.
Caught all by himself dragged down to his knees 
but managed to pull it up on shore. 

Bill Shaginaw    Early Season Archery Camp Buck.       
1st Buck with a Bow  2021

Board Member Bill Motosicky        
8 point  Archery   2021 Swampdonkey

Joe Baker   Sunday Sunday Sunday!  Rfle 8 point 2021

Board Member Dale Kirkpatrick  Archery 9 point    2021

Ray & Matt Volk    Success on Club Grounds before 
Thanksgiving 2021

Club Vice President John Zenewicz    
1st Day Rifle   8 Point  2B 2021

Artie Kirkpatrick   Archery 8 point  2021

Member Tim Cochran with another nice Lake Erie Walleye with member Pete Denio behind the camera

Carl Tutak 8 point Archery 2020

Artie Kirkpatrick 10 point Archery 
(Winner of the 2020 Bull Creek Bull Poll)
Carl Tutak - Jake Tutak - Chris Yandura   
3 Birds on the same morning within 1hr of each other!

Chuck Kelley from Saxonburg 
was the winner of the Bull Creek Spring Trailer Raffle

Club Vice President John Zinewicz bags a tom

Cory Sarver opening day gobbler 

Earl Callen. Board member & Chris Yandura, Club President, 
Doubled out the first Monday in the pouring down rain! 
It was raining thunder chickens

Ed Tutak 8 point Archery

Jake Tutak 7 point Archery

Jake Tutak (Club Trap Delegate) & Chris Yandura (Club President) 
Doubled out First Tuesday morning 


Jake Tutak Fly Fishing Salmon Creek 
(During Covid 19)

Jim Szczesny, first day gobbler, up North

Life Member Past President Terry Davidek 
Pennsylvania Citation On record as the Biggest Trout 
caught in the State of Pennsylvania in 2020

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