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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Please Read If You Hunt Deer In PA

National Deer AllianceThis is a warning issued by the National Deer Alliance

Legislation has been introduced by Representative David M. Mahoney that would take management of white-tailed deer out of the hands of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and into the hands of a politically-appointed special interest group. You can view the bill here. The House Government Committee has scheduled a public hearing for the bill on September 20, and it is important that committee members hear from you beforehand. 

State wildlife management agencies like the Pennsylvania Game Commission exist for the purpose of managing wildlife and habitat resources as the common property of all of its citizens. This includes the management of North America's most popular game species, white-tailed deer. Deer management should never fall victim to misguided politics and emotions, or fall into the hands of special interest groups. NDA has joined with dozens of other hunting and conservation organizations by submitting a letter to the Pennsylvania General Assembly in opposition of this bill.

Take action now by clicking here to contact members of the House Government Committee and let them know that you oppose this dangerous legislation.

Please share this alert with may be unaware of this pending legislation and ask them to take action now!

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