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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Decoding the complexities of the fall hunt

The best thing about turkey hunting is the challenge. It's complicated.

Don't pick the wrong spot -- they're not there. Don't make a sound -- they'll hear you. Don't make the wrong call -- they won't talk back. Don't wear the wrong camo, don't move, don't blink -- they'll see you. Don't misjudge the range -- you'll miss.

Wild turkey hunting isn't rocket science. Rocket science has fewer variables.
The fall hunt for hens and gobblers opened Nov. 1 in most Wildlife Management Units. Here's the forecast:

Increased complexity with scattered nuance.

"Last year, our fall harvest was just under 17,000 turkeys, an increase from the previous year's harvest of just over 15,000," said state Game Commission wild turkey biologist Mary Jo Casalena. "It was also an increase over the previous three-year average, but the long-term average fall harvest is decreasing.

"We are not harvesting as many in the fall as we used to, but that's a good thing that we're not taking those hens out of the population because the turkey population is seeing declining trends across the state."

Read more here

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