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Saturday, June 21, 2014

The PA Game Commission wants your best game recipes!

Back by popular demand: The Pennsylvania Game Commission is compiling information for a new Pennsylvania Game Cookbook. The last one was published in 1979.
Send us your favorite Pennsylvania big game, small game and migratory game bird recipes.
Please include:
  • Recipe title
  • Ingredients and measurements
  • Preparation instructions
  • Number of servings
  • Photo of the meal (optional)
  • Name or initials
  • Hometown
Do you use a trusty recipe from the Pennsylvania Game Cookbook that was published in 1979? Send us the title and we may include it in a "Tried, True and Tasty" section.
Please note that not all recipes will be included in the book. Recipes will not be returned and may be edited. Senders freely offer the recipe to the Game Commission for this use.
Email recipes to pgccomments@pa.gov or mail to
The Pennsylvania Game Commission
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797

Deadline for submissions is June 30, 2014.

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