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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Newly Rebuilt Trap Range Now Open At Bull Creek!

On January 19th, 2014, Bull Creek inaugurated our new re-developed trap shooting range.  This is the biggest capital improvement project in club history.

We have gone from two 35+ year old trap ranges to three all new trap houses allowing us the flexibility of holding larger events for the club. This is the culmination of more than a year of planning and approvals by the Board of Directors.

The following are pictures taken during the first official shoot during the 2014 Winter Trap League:

Former Club President Craig Johnson (center) with sons
Adam (left) and Stephen

Membership Chairman Bill Motosicky (left) and club member Tim Cochran

Board member and former club president Bill Shaginaw workin' the kitchen

Club President Kevin Hamilton (right) with Vice President Bill Davis (center)
and junior member Hunter Denio

Club member Gayle Calendar keeping score

Bill Motosicky (left) and Tom Fawcett

Bill Motosicky (left) and Hunter Denio

Bill Shaginaw keeping an eye on the kitchen!
Club member Tony Dan, Kitchen Bitch

Signing up to shoot is Craig Johnson

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