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Saturday, April 14, 2012

2012 Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally Announced

The 7th annual Right to Keep and Bear Arms Rally will be held on May 8th, 2012 in the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building in Harrisburg. The organizers are putting together a great lineup of speakers, some excellent prizes and a list of issues to push with the legislature.

If you love the right to keep and bear arms in Pennsylvania as much as we do we hope you will plan to attend and help spread the word!

Speakers include:

Daryl Metcalfe — State Legislator
As a Pennsylvania State Representative Daryl Metcalfe has been one of Pennsylvania gun owners’ steadfast allies in the fight against the gun ban lobby trying to push failed gun control schemes the public doesn’t support.

Larry Pratt — Executive Director, Gun Owners of America

Larry Pratt has been the executive director of GOA for over 30 years and has dedicated that time towards “no-compromise” pro gun lobbying and action.

Kim Stolfer — Gun Rights Activist

As Chairman of Firearm Owners Against Crime, Kim Stolfer fights tirelessly as one of the leaders of the Pennsylvania gun rights movement.

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