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Friday, June 17, 2011

House Passes Gillespie Bill to Eliminate Use of Back Tags by Hunters

HARRISBURG – The state House has unanimously passed legislation introduced by state Rep. Keith Gillespie (R-Hellam) that would do away with the practice of sportsmen having to wear back tags while hunting. 

“We are now a step closer to no longer being one of two states – noting New York is the other -- that still requires back tags to be worn by our sportsmen,” said Gillespie. “In addition to being an outdated practice, this is inconvenient for hunters as well.” 

The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) initiated the change, according to Gillespie, who points out that sportsmen often lose the tags while crawling through the brush or coming in contact with trees in the process of hunting. 

“I know there will be complaints from residents who wish to see visual proof of a license, but this legislation does nothing to detract them from still having the right approach a hunter and ask to see a license,” Gillespie added. “Frankly, the print on these tags is so small that I find it hard to believe it could be read from a distance.” 

Gillespie, an avid sportsman, is a member of the House Game and Fisheries Committee. The bill will now be considered by the state Senate. 

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