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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bull Creek Summer Picnic Details Announced!

This year's summer picnic will be held at Bull Creek on Saturday, August 27th beginning at noon. Always popular with the membership, last year over 200 attended along with spouses and kids.

The highlight will again be the prize bags offering dozens of items for both kids and adults.  Food will be catered and beverages included in the $5.00 per adult (18 and over, under 18 free) entry. 

Horseshoes and volleyball will help entertain the adults while smaller kids will again enjoy the inflatable moonwalk.

Below is the admission form to print and either mail to the address listed or bring to a club monthly meeting. Please note the form MUST be received by August 17th (we need to know how much food, etc to order).
Click on this image to expand and print
Here's a short video from last years picnic!

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