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Thursday, March 24, 2011

400 Coyotes NOT Killed in Small Western Pennsylvania Village of Hawthorn

This story is a prank that originated in South Dakota.  See the real story here!

Some people just have too much time on their hands!

Sent in by club members Dave Patz and Jim Martin...
These guy's have been busy this winter!!!
This is Tony and Terry Undercuffer, and Punk Shick.  {Hawthorn, PA }
You don't think we have a coyote problem in western Pennsylvania, well think again! These three boys shot over 400 hundred coyotes in western Pennsylvania from the first of November to the first week of February 2011 with in twenty-five miles of my home town.
There are 208 coyotes in this picture and the balance of the coyotes had mange. I do truly thank these three boys for all the help in the control of these predators!
I'm a rancher in Oak Ridge, PA and with out their help with predator control it would be impossible to raise livestock. (see pictures below)


Anonymous said...

Something is wrong with you people. This is disgusting!

Jake McKenna said...

To Anonymous Person:
Would u like some chese with your whine, If u dont like what u see then why would you go to a web site like this think its a beautiful sight. If u had a farm or chickens or even small dogs and they were to get mauled by a pack of cyotes then u would see it a differnt way. And dont forget about all of us who hunt, The baby deer dont have a chance if it wasnt for us who hunt coyote. I love the pics and the web site but I dislike ppl who judge people for doing what they like.

Anonymous said...

I understand the importance of keeping down the coyote population, but why so many?

Anonymous said...

To anyone that isn't a fan of coyote hunting, simply search youtube for the words "coyote cat". If you are a fan of the average family pet, like cats and dogs, you will thank any furhunter whose quarry is the eastern coyote.

Anonymous said...

coyote kill deer so I think they offer an important service.

Anonymous said...

I recently found out there are coyote in the woods behind my house. I have two bull mastifs, but they are both babies and wouldnt try to fight a mouse. I totally support controlling an animal that offers no benefit. We have plenty of people controlling the deer population and no one controlling the population of an animal that is putting our household pets in danger. Keep it up boys!

Anonymous said...

I deer hunt in erie county . and saw 3 deer 5 coyotes and got one time to hunt them

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen an animal die from mange? It's an awful way to go, a bit of population control can stop that! This may seem like a lot but compared to the whole population its not that many.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! we have a farm in south central pa and coyotes are destroying our deer population and any other small game!

Anonymous said...

Seriously people, READ! It says *NOT* killed and it's a PRANK!! Jeez! Reading comprehension 101!!

Anonymous said...

I live in south western PA 30 mi south of pittsburgh I've been trying to get any information on any local coyote problems anybody may have where the coyote population is becomeing an issue.the areas I have hunted for years coyot are few and far between but I hear a lot about there growing in numbers in many different places I strongly feel they have a lot to do with less and less deer around every year besides the unlimited doe tags and 5 mounth deer season the only way to help this so our kids can carry on the same traditions is to keep the predator population down as much as possible any info would be most helpful

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