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Monday, January 31, 2011

New Officers For 2011

Bull Creek held elections at the January monthly meeting. 

Officers for 2011 are: 
  • President...........Bill Shaginaw
  • Vice President....Bill Motosicky
  • Secretary...........Pete Denio
  • Treasurer...........Jerry Paladino
  • Membership ......Bob Fotheringham
  • Sgt at Arms........Jay Dorn
 New first term Board of Directors include: 
  • Terry Davidec
  • Tim Cochran
  • Tom Sutara
  • Alternate, Jim Martin, Craig Thomas
 Second term Board of Directors include: 
  • Earl Callen
  • Tim Gould
  • Ray Volk
  • Chester Hibbs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish to thank all members who came to the wife and I's rescue back in January when we became stranded in the middle of the upper field in the slush and mud. Thanks a million
Richard Steward

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