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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Pennsylvania State Record Bear Taken With Crossbow

This bear was shot November 15th 2010 with a crossbow in northeastern Pennsylvania (Pike County) by David Price of Barrett Township, Monroe County. 875 pounds live weight and 744 dressed, #2 in the WORLD and a new PA State Record. He missed the world record by 4 pounds......

From the hunter's nephew:
"This bear has some really cool history, It was right in the area we shot him for the last 17 years or so. Also, It has been caught in NJ numerous times which means he isn't afraid to swim the Delaware River.

He was trying to mate with a female bear who was in a snare in NJ. The female was caught by the NJDEP for testing and the big boy was trying to get his groove on with her. They had to tranquilize him so he didn't injure the female. As you can see in the pics, he has a tattoo on his lip. He was 711 pounds last year when he was caught by the Game Commission...so he put on some weight since then. He has an AWESOME blaze on his chest.  

I have never seen a bear with a "U-shaped" blaze...seen lots with diamond shaped ones though. The bear had 6" of fat on him.



Anonymous said...

I really don't like to see a big bear like this tortured so much to kill it. Why are bows and cross bows allowed for bear hunting? I am not at all against bear hunting in general, especially since the bear population in PA is growing so quickly, but I don't agree with this painful death for the beautiful animal!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was a tame bear. It was not treed it was dug out of its den. Completely unethical.

Anonymous said...

9 shots before it went down!!!!!! I think it is time to stop bow hunting for bears!!! I am a hunter so it's not about being anti. It's about being ethical. Why make an animal suffer like that.

Anonymous said...

This is what gives bow hunters bad name. It's not that we're doing wrong but the weapon isn't forceful enough to take the animal down quick enough. I am not taking away any glory from this hunter it is just in general.

Anonymous said...

its no tamed bear you can tell by the tatoo on his lip and it wasnt dug out of a den to warm for them to den up good job on killing such a big animal he is truely a trophy

Anonymous said...

Bow hunting for bears is not the problem. Its the time of year they allow it. They should have it late summer so the bears don't have as much fat on them yet.

Anonymous said...

You people that are crying about the bear being shot 9 times wouldnt be talking like that if you shot it. Thats better than it dying of old age.You should not ruin this time for the man that shot the bear. I am sure he is on clould 9. GREAT JOB TO THE HUNTER.

Anonymous said...

come off the PETA talk.

nice bear, congrats goes out to the hunting party

Anonymous said...

u the man!!! NICE BEAR. CONGRATS 1111

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Don't let anyone try and take away your glory! Job well done.

Anonymous said...

Nine times, where were all the shots? Was the front leg forward or back at the time of the shots. Neck shots and head shots. Doesn't sound good to me. Maybe people need to do some research where to shoot a bear and when to shoot before hunting bear.

Anonymous said...

RECORD? thats not possible to even say! anyone who knows anything about bear hunting and records knows that scoring is done by skull measurements.. this is after it has been cleaned and dried! bears record standings are not at all measured by the weight... nor do i believe in the issue with putting a estimated weight on the animal . given organ size variance, eating habits, stomach size ect its not accurate to a degree and shouldnt be alowd when your claiming "the biggest bear" .. lets let the real measurements later on talk for this bear.

Anonymous said...

awesome bear so many hunters would give alot to see that big bruin congrats

Anonymous said...

for all those who think harvesting a bear is easier with a gun should try hunting them i have seen first hand 3 well placed shots in the vitals from a magnum rifle and the animal not recoverd till the next day congrats to the man who got the big one thanks for keeping pa ontop of the record books

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you get a thrill shooting a bear with a bb-gun! How about trying an M16 or something more appropriate!

Red squirrel said...

There is nothing wrong with shooting a bear with a bow they die just as fast if not faster with an arrow than a bullet I have shot my fair share of bruin to know and witnessed enough. It’s all about shot placement so that the game doesn’t suffer unnecessarily. The great Fred Bear used a bow that was only 55lbs. draw weight and killed every North American big game animal out there with it. I agree that bear suffered, and that is a shame. That does put a hurt on the name of archery, but please do not let one poor action from a hunter affect all your opinions of a whole party. Please everybody back to the basics of hunters’ education. Remember that your actions in the field are only judged by you. So think before you act so that you may not ruin the sport or life style for others as it may be more important to them than it is for you.

Anonymous said...

Hell ya awesome bear! Don't let these guys get you down. This is going around on text messages too. I hope you plan on a mount or a rug or something.

Anonymous said...

So basically he shot a pet bear? Is that hunting? Wow, what some people do??

Unknown said...

The Pocono Record ran an article today confirming the information in this post as well as identifying the hunter. http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20101119/NEWS/11190341

Anonymous said...

are you people all jealous? great job to the hunter and the hunting party!!!

Anonymous said...

""So basically he shot a pet bear? Is that hunting? Wow, what some people do??""

A PET BEAR? REALLY? I don't think you'd be complaining if it was in your backyard eating from your apple tree when you went to take out the garbage and it charged you. A pet bear... OMG.

Anonymous said...

Bears mate in May and June, not November. Could it be that this bear was shot over a bait pile? Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

so should we quit hunting bears with rifles too? bc they get woonded just as much with a rifle as they do bows. you people are all just jelous,i have seen 600 pound bears get shot 5 times with a high powered rifle in the vitals and still run for awhile before they go down. bears are very strong and will fight to stay alive as long as they can just like any human would do. how about congratulating the hunter for taken a bruin of a bear. haha and you people must not be hunters or know anything about the sport if you say it was dragged out of a den bc it is way to warm for them to be denned up. congrats to the hunter for taken a beautiful trophy, ignore all these people they have no clue what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

if you read the article it says it was caught mating with the female and weighed 711 pounds LAST YEAR so make sure you know what your talking about before you say anything. congrats to the hunter

Anonymous said...

I don't know the details anymore than anyone else does that wasn't there. However, I agree with the post that stated it was to warm and early for the bear to be dug out of a den, plus the fact most boars den up on top of the ground, they build a nest on top pf the ground, generally in a thicket and spend the winter that way. Females find caves, depressions and areas of this nature to protect their cubs from the weather as well as predators while in hibernation. So I don't buy the dug out of a den.

As for taking so many shots to kill it, not the fault of the arrows, long before firearms bear were killed with arrows. It is all about shot placement, I know of a person years ago that shot a bear that made the PA Game Commission record books that fired 11 shots before bringing the bear down, 6 with a handgun and 5 with a rifle. He hit it with the first shot and the last shot in vital areas, missed a couple from excitement and the other shots were not in kill areas. Does that mean the ammunition was at fault. Lots of factors enter in.

If this bear has been considered almost tame or not, I have no idea, even if fed for years, someone that never knew this hunting in the area sees it and shoots it does not mean he shot a tame bear...he shot a bear and a damn big one. I hope it was all on the up and up and if so, congratulations to him on taking such a magnificent game animal. If it was not on the up and up and was taken illegally, then he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and his picture and deed broadcast all over the place.

I can't condemn him since I wasn't there anyone that does so without knowing all the facts basiclaly must be jealous.

Anonymous said...

The person that shot this bear said #1 it was treed when shot. It is against the law to shoot a bear in PA that has taken refuge in a tree.
They knew the bear was fed, and have known this bear for years. They knew it was a pet. They set up right behind leroys house on the trail that the bear took daily to get his treat of twinkies and soda from leroy. The hunters just Happened to have twinkies an soda with them. The soda can had blood on it from the bear. The PGC knew that this bear was being fed and tried to capture it to move it. It was too big for the cage. There was a PGC officer hunting with them, that is a family friend. It is illegal to hunt in an area where it is known that bears are being fed. This is all from one of the hunters family members that helped recover the pet bear. This story just stinks. Now the young family member is taking back his stories saying people are making up rumors.

Josh McDunn said...

Congratulations to the hunter that is a magnifacent animal!
As for all the people who have commented in a negative manner towards this event, please know what you are talking about before you speak your mind, everyone is entitled to their opinion but sometimes you should just shut up. This is hunting, there's gonna be blood and sometimes suffering. Most hunters practice ethical hunting but sometimes the circumstances prevent things from going as planned, case in point. Some of you don't approve and you have that right, but don't judge others that don't have the same mindset, we don't tell you that your wrong we respect your thoughts and opinions please don't shove your's on to us.

Anonymous said...

They did know the bear was almost tame and were trying to kill it for the last 5 years.

Anonymous said...

congrats...AWESOME BEAR!!! u no i just dont get some ppl???and as for the other comment on averaging the weight?? ummm i agree but... its how they do it.people always over judge an animal especially deer.anyhow congrats GREAT ANIMAL!!! PLZ IGNORE ALL THESE RUDE PEOPLE!!!

Anonymous said...

first of all, were you there to see the hunter with his twinkie and pop to bring in the bear? didn't think so... and was the bear in a cage? did it live in the guys house? did it have a litter box there? no?? then that was no pet.

and on the subject of it being fed. if the bear gets comfortable enough around people to take food from them like it did from the old man, it needs to be shot. if a bear is that accustomed to people, it's much more likely to attack a person when it gets hungry.

oh. by the way. game commission came out and said he did absolutely everything correctly. he wasn't to blame for feeding it, the old fart was.

and for all you people complaining about shot placement. put yourself in his situation. you wouldn't be able to shot steady either. and if you say you could, you're lying.

and seriously quit complaining about it suffering. the bear suffering is much better than your child suffering in the jaws of the bear, correct?
if god didn't want the bear to suffer, he wouldn't have let it suffer. end o story.

awesome bear, dude. don't listen to theses idiots, they just hear what they wanna hear. i would like to shake your hand haha. and GOOD...no GREAT SHOT!

Anonymous said...

oh. and by the way. game commission came out and said he did absolutely everything correct. it wasn't his fault the old fart fed the bear.
stick that in your pipe and smoke it PETA!

Anonymous said...

WOW, look at the size of his paws. To all the people making negative comments: Tame bears do not exist!!!! they are wild animals that like stated will attack humans or whatever they can if hungry enough! To the hunter congrats on your trophy bear!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. This is the kind of hunting that gets everyone a bad name. This was a neighborhood bear that has been taken by this idiot. Now everyone is finding out what a moron he is. He's now in the process of throwing a pity party for himself. I hope nine shots is inaccurate, but probably not. Not jealous and not part of PETA, just concerned.

Anonymous said...

feed them twinkys what ever. my thought is you should be able bait bears for hunting you would be able to get a better shot placement if the bear was eating off a bait pile rather than running down through the woods. the hunter may have had a better shot on him come on people wise up.and to all you non hunters shame on you 80 yrs ago if you had this same thought you would have starved to death.where do you think steak came from u ate last night a slauter house where the cow has been blasted in the forehead with a pin gun. does that make it easier for you to eat your steak have a great eve. good job hunter.

Anonymous said...

DISGUSTING! Shot 9 times with a crossbow! WTH is wrong wiith people! I cannot imagine being proud of this.

Laura DeMund-Ziemba said...

The real shame is that the bear was being fed and then considered to be "tame" Had this bear not been taken down there is a very real possibilty that the Pocono Record would have had a different headline at some point.Wild animals are just that..wild.I am tired of everyone saying they killed a "pet" bear. I love animals and I have pets.Not one of my pets has the ability to kill me with one swipe to the head.

old deer hunter said...

nooo need for the part of riddling it with arrows very bad pr

Anonymous said...

for the person talking about skull scoring...they are talking about weight...no skull....the world record for weight is 880...not dealing with the skull size

Anonymous said...

Yes, skull size is the way they score, but they are talking about just strictly weight. It may not be an official measurement, but they are just talking about the weight of the bear in terms of breaking records. Who cares about skull size, anyone who bear hunts rather shoot a bear this big than one with just a big head.

Anonymous said...

shut up let the kid enjoy his trophy who cares how many times he shot it.

Anonymous said...

This is such a shame ..the poor thing was a tame BEAR?? I dont think anything wrong with hunting , but this is "not a man" who would do this to a poor animal and make it suffer through 9 arrows like this You should be ashamed of yourself ....hope one day you feel the same pain ..as you caused this animal !!

Anonymous said...

VERY NICE BEAR! I got my first bear a year ago, it feels so good :) Im a chic and love to hunt! If your gonna eat somethings gotta die.. Tiffany

Anonymous said...

First of all Congrat's...I was hunting in NJ on monday the 6th..I Shoot a female bear..And it was taged.When i got to the check point they told me it was the bear that got bread by ur bear in 09!I thought that was cool...

Anonymous said...

Big Hunter shoots tame Bear. Yeah you sure are a real hunter. Where are you going next year, to the zoo.

Anonymous said...

Great job! I just want to know how he got a quiver to hold nine crossbow bolts? I want one. If there was any illegal action in taking that bear I'm sure the PGC would've found some. Any of you hunters out there that wouldn't have shot that bear you're just kidding yourselves. This guy probably knew it was being fed, so what! He was hunting in an area where hunting is allowed and he ambushed it. Great hunt!

Anonymous said...

nice bear

Anonymous said...

I'm not impressed by guys who 'show off' trophy kills. Real men shoot with a camera. So you have a dead bear now, instead of a beautiful animal who had a right to live out its life. Show offs... that's all you are. If you were starving and needed food to survive, it would be defensible.

Anonymous said...

The majority of Pocono bears are fed at some point in their lives by the homeowners or cabin owners. Anyone who spends time here knows they travel from cabin to cabin. If any wildlife locates 'people' food, they will eat it. Should we stop hunting altogether? I think not. Congrats to the lucky hunter!

Anonymous said...

Very Nice Bear!!!!!!!! People need to back off and be respectful to a Hunter, if the bear would of crossed in front of your car, or walked threw the backyard where your children play, it be a different story. GREAT JOB AND BEAUTIFUL BEAR. # MEAT IN THE FREEZER !!!!!

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