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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hunter Education Class To Be Held August 6th and 7th, Register Now!

Next Hunter-Trapper education class to be held in August 6th and 7th here at the club. All registration must be done online at the game commission website. Here's a direct link.


All Hunter Education classes MUST be registered for online (click here)

Class times Friday 6-9PM and Saturday 8AM to 4:30PM

The Class is FREE, but you must pre-register. Space is limited to 40 students! Please register early!

Bull Creek Rod and Gun Club's Hunter-Trapper Education classes are held twice a year, in early spring and late summer. Our last class was held in March, 2010. Classes are taught by 4 or 5 certified instructors who are both Bull Creek club members and trained by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.  For more details click on the Hunter Trapper link to the left on this page or register using the link above.

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