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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Membership Dues

Bob Fotheringham, the newly elected Membership Secretary, will be out for the next 2 months.  For those members who wish to mail in their dues ($40.00 for non clubhouse keyholding members, $20.00 for clubhouse keyholding members), please mail to:
Steve Martin

3246 Oaknoll Rd.
Gibsonia, Pa. 15044

The by-laws state dues must be paid by the March meeting or you will lose membership.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bull Creek Members - We Need Your Email Address!

If you haven't received an email update from us (or in a while) then we don't have your current email address.  Simply click on this link or bullcreekinfo@gmail.com and send an email with your name - That's it!  I'll add you to the list.

New Officers For 2010

Election results for Officers for 2010 as voted at the January meeting include:

President, Bill Shaginaw
Vice President, Jack Albinger
Secretary, Pete Denio
Treasurer, Jerry Paladino
Membership, Bob Fotheringham
Sgt. at Arms, Josh Hess

Terry Davidek (2nd)
Jim Martin (2nd)
Earl Callen (1st)
Tim Cochran (2nd)
Ray Volk (1st)
Tim Gould (1st)
Chester Hibbs (1st)

Bob Fabian Sr. (2nd)
Bill Motosicky (1st)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Elk Filmed Near Benezett, PA

Don't let this happen to YOUR car!

Submitted by Bill Motosicky

Click on the link:
Elk Filmed Nera Benezett, PA

Junior Member Bags First Buck!

The day was December 12, 2009. It was a very cold blustery day, only 18 degrees. Everyone was about to give up and call it a day, when suddenly a herd of deer came running down the hill. The adrenaline started pumping as Shauna Zbikowski ( junior member) shot her 1st deer... an 8 point buck at 50 yards away with a 20 gauge slug. She showed all the guys up that she was hunting with, being the only one to get a buck!!! WAY TO GO Shauna